Thanks JoHo.
Excellent example of how the WTBTS condemns the "world's" entertainment content, and then uses identical imagery of violence, horror, & terror to keep its followers in mental & spiritual shackles.
so i was watching some of the dramas screened at the be courageous convention, and one caught my eye.. it's the scene where a group of jw teens are watching something deemed as "sinful" at the movie theaters.
there were only sound effects, so i decided to fill in the blanks..
bottom line: machine guns = bad.
Thanks JoHo.
Excellent example of how the WTBTS condemns the "world's" entertainment content, and then uses identical imagery of violence, horror, & terror to keep its followers in mental & spiritual shackles.
unconfirmed reports this am (australian time) that tr has been transferred to a maximum security prison..
Basically someone who is too publicly vocal (in the authorities' eyes) about gangs of predominantly Muslim men who have been raping massive amounts of young British white girls. The UK media has been banned by a judge from reporting on anything to do with his arrest and jailing.
since we were jws at one time, has it influenced your view as to where your dead loved ones are now?
i know many here do not believe in anything biblical but i’m curious as to whether you believe anyone is in heaven?
Dust to dust. Then choose what to believe.
The thought that we only exist for 840 months and then face everlasting non-existence is a bleak outlook, even for those without a hope/faith in something better. Living a peaceful life and dying a peaceful death should be most people's hope at the very least.
i had heard that jehovah's witnesses cannot pray for disfellowshipped individuals or apostates.
is this true?.
JW's know that Matthew 12:32 shows that there is only one unforgivable sin - sinning against the holy spirit. Also that the scriptures reveal all judging is to be done by Christ Jesus - John 5:28,29; Acts 10:42 &17:31, Romans 14:9; 2 Cor. 5:10; 2 Tim. 4:1; 1 Pet. 4:5; Rev. 11:18; & Rev. 20:12.
Implicitly, JW's are doing Jesus' judging for him, by saying that all the billions on earth who refuse to join their religious denomination must have committed the unforgivable sin, and therefore will be destroyed forever at Armageddon! Why did Jesus et al forget to mention this little point about membership of the WTBTS?
watched the jw finance video's.. they have sold all brooklyn landmarks.
they are selling other property maybe up to 3000 units worldwide.. so, there is going something wrong.... there must be a giant money leak.
Over the past few years the org has eliminated the vast majority of its printed literature output - thus saving countless mi££ion$ (tens or hundreds?) in production, distribution, and personnel costs.
The WTBTS is like a bucket being filled with water from a tap/faucet, but the bucket is leaking badly, according to Mr. Lett!
QUESTION: If donations were previously so abundant to pay for all the printing costs, why & where is the org seriously haemorrhaging all the money which has been pouring in, when running costs have been so dramatically slashed?
Its revenues and windfalls cannot explain/justify claims of cash problems.
the watchtower promotes the antichrist in the new june 2018 broadcasting.
the latest june 2018 jw-broadcast shows a small clip at the end where a group of jehovah's witnesses are standing in a field waiting to be captured by armed forces.
right behind them, a white horseman appears with a bow and arrow shooting at the armed men.
i like trump but i would be reticent wearing that hat.🤠.
Make America grate again - buy more cheese!
this is my first post.
i'm still a jw but am inactive.
im struggling with the fact that i agree with some of the doctrines (i,e, the stance on the trinity, there is no hell) but i disagree with a lot of things (i,e, men can't have beards, women have to wear skirts).
Welcome to the forum DVAL. I hope you stay around and share in the discussions.
I've sent you a PM. Take your time and and honestly test the org's "inspired expressions" to see "if they originate with God."
Sure, the org has identified some Bible truths - but so has every other Christian denomination. But telling some truths while corrupting them with numerous major lies does not qualify JW's to claim they are "God's people" and the only "true religion."
Perhaps Branch facilities will be dramatically reduced, just as every other aspect of the org has been.
Zone Branches in Europe, (Selters) Australasia, Africa, South America, and North America would manage the reduced functionality of the org.
Britain Branch up for sale in 3-5 years time for a nice little profit.
Hand on heart, even when I was a zealous JW, there's no way I could have swallowed this con job.
Sheesh, the org is doing a fantastic job of separating their wheat from the chaff.
Such verbal diarrhoea will only be gulped down without question by truly org-culcated JW's. The rest will cling on, but silently rebelling in their own little ways.
p.s. Why is the spokesman advertising a "wordly" company by wearing their hard-hat? Has the org cut back on paying for their own hard-hats?